Mobility and Injury Prevention

 Mobility and Injury Prevention

How Does Lack of Mobility Cause Injury?

Mobility is the ability to move a joint through its' full range of motion with control. Mobility requires joint strength along with flexibility. When an athlete lacks mobility, they are more likely to suffer from muscle imbalance. And, according to Gray Cook, one of the world's most respected injury prevention specialists:

The primary cause of athletic injuries is neither weakness nor tightness, but rather, muscle imbalance.

In-Season Training

 In-Season Training

At T3, our athletes will make significant gains during the off-season. As they transition to a full practice schedule, it is imperative that they continue an in-season training program.  Missing out on in-season training means that most of the gains made in the off-season will be lost.  This leads to decreases in performance and a greater risk for injury. Training in-season can also bridge the gap before the next off-season. This way they are not starting from scratch and can make even greater gains in strength and performance the following off-season. 

Power Plates

 Power Plates

What are Power Plates?

Power Plates emit vibration in order to stimulate contraction and relaxation of muscles.  Extensive research has been done on the harmful effects that vibrations can have on the human body at high amplitudes and high frequencies.  However, more recent research has proven that low amplitude, low frequency mechanical stimulation of the human body is a safe and effective way to exercise musculoskeletal structures.  

VO2 Max

 VO2 Max

What is VO2 Max?

VO2 max means the maximal amount of oxygen (in mL) that your body can consume per body weight per minute while you are at your full work capacity (or max heart rate).   It's a combination of how much oxygen-rich blood your heart can pump, and the muscles' efficiency in utilizing the oxygen.The unit of measure is mL/kg/min.  The range of normal VO2 max is between 20 mL/kg/min (very poor) and 60+ mL/kg/min (excellent).  A higher VO2 max indicates better cardiovascular strength.

Should Athletes Include Power and Olympic Lifting Into Their Programs?

Should Athletes Include Power and Olympic Lifting Into Their Programs?

What is Power Lifting and Olympic Lifting?   

Hint: They're not the same!

Power Lifting is a type of strength training in which participants attempt to improve their maximum strength through 3 major lifts: The Squat, Deadlift, and Bench Press.

Olympic Lifting is a type of training where emphasis is put on power output from two major lifts: The Snatch and The Clean-and-Jerk (along with variations on both).