
Maintaining Lean Muscle Mass

A Lot of concerns around losing muscle mass during these times of quarantine. Here are a few strategies to help maintain your gains!

Eat a wholesome diet high in protein: Keep fueling your body with high quality food. It will help your body function properly and maintain a healthy status. Protein is your best friend when maintaining muscle mass. Eating 1.5-2.0 grams of protein per kg of body weight is a great general guideline. Here are some high protein foods you can eat:

  • Eggs

  • Lean meat (beef, poultry, seafood)

  • Beans

  • Greek yogurt

  • Protein shake (whey or plant based)

Continue to strength train with isometrics and eccentrics: Isometrics (holds) and eccentrics (control down phase) are great ways to make at home or body weight exercises more challenging. These types are more beneficial because they produce a greater rate of force development on the muscle fibers. Simply put, they challenge your body more! These can be done with or without equipment and are great for developing and maintaining strength and muscle mass.

Stay active: inactivity is the quickest way to lose muscle mass. Stay active with at home workouts, walking, and general physical activity. Sitting and laying down deloads your muscles causing atrophy.