
Is Your Athlete Training During the Season?

The Importance of In-season Strength & Conditioning

Contrary to some beliefs, athletes should continue their strength and conditioning programs throughout the season. Yes, even when they are playing!

Continuing training provides many benefits for athletes. It allows them to maintain the strength and power that they developed during the off-season. It also helps them maintain their ever-important mobility. Mobility is absolutely necessary for athletes to perform at their peak performance and it is crucial for preventing injuries.

Injuries typically occur because of two things. One, there has been a decrease in strength. Or two, a movement pattern was improperly loaded. This means that if your body is required to move in a way that it is ill-prepared for (due to lack of training) then the likelihood of suffering an injury increases drastically.

Continuing a strength and conditioning program can help to maintain muscular strength, further aiding in performance and injury prevention. A well-rounded strength and conditioning program will also train an athlete in multiple planes of movement. This training addresses movement patterns, positions, and forces that are required during their competitive sport.

But what about OVER-training?!

In-season strength and conditioning programs should focus on lower volume (sets and reps) and moderate weight. A good rule of thumb is to have the athlete stay under 80% of their max during an in-season training program. This allows the athlete to maintain strength, power, and healthy musculature. As for recovery - simplicity reigns supreme! As long as your athlete is getting consistent sleep and eating correctly, their body will recover daily.


Written By Ryan Richmond: @Richmond_Performance